Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Whack day, Whack night, Whack dreams. *-*

Wow, and just when i thought i'd sleep at 11:30pm last night, Eeshin pops online, and then hoi came on. And then the next i looked it was 1am == and omg had another whack conversation with Eeshin, i have discovered my inner harshness XD, finding whack face book photoes and laughing at them, omg hilarious. (Y)
well it then dragged on til 2:20am == and then eeshing had to sleep. Until today, i never realised that you can just blabber on about anything at night and it'll all make sense lol. well i was supose to sleep at 2am == but got caught up with Hoi til 3:40am T____T" im quite surprised by her level of english now. (Y)

anyway, Had such a whack day yesterday, Went to Uni, then met up with raf, stupid Raf made me meet him at 3 differnt places, then we went to say hi to Zoe and Pheobe at their secret hide out lol. Then went to eat in china town had the worse noodles ever == didnt like them so gave it to raf, then went to dumpling king and bought dumplings, and cudnt eat them T_T, but dam what an adventure it was lmao. Casino part was hilarious, we decided to go into the casino to get free hot chocolate for Zoe and Pheobe, and raf lost his wallet and used his passport from when he was 5, the chick kept looking at him and askign him quesitons. I gave her my Uni card, she was like "dont ever show me that again" and i was like pk lou! ==
well we got it and looked around for hot choclate, surprisingly, it wasnt so bad, and then we began the long journey to the botanic gardens == raf decided we should take a short cut, which wasnt really a short cut, but a long cut == but it was quite interesting lol (Y) and we saw melissa and Elysia in town like 3 times, they kept saying they were going home, but their stories were full of holes lol jk.
anyway, it was a whack day, we finally reached the botanic gardens and ate the dumplings == turned out my bracers were being a bitch. == Met up with Adrian, KT and others, for some good bye thing, which had a change of plans to glenelg ==. Yep, very epicly failed day. (Y)
Yeh, so me and raf decided to go and study, waited for Zoe and Pheobe to cactch their busses, then we went to hungry jacks rofl == and after studying, we decided to go watch a movie, "Crank" not a bad movie, but yeh, and played alot of street fighter 4 again == lol, and did i mention we went to get a bucket of KFC before the movie? lmao, wow what a money consuming day, and food consuming day T_____T"""

Must be productive today! but yeh, whack day, whack night, whack dream aswell O_ o i was like pK! wtfudgesticles, this is such a dream, because no way in heck, she'll be converted like that lol. anyway, its been quite a whack holiday, maybe today will be whack (Y) because i know badminton will be. XD

anyways im off now, need to get dressed, do hair, go library *-*

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