Half way through the picture, i ran out of leads... and i was like, noooo!!!! i dont want to stop, not yet!! need to finnish this! and when i did finnish it, i felt somewhat light inside. I remember that feeling when you first drew a perfect picture. Its not always perfect, but it is in your eyes. I think, from now on, im going to get back into art. Although ive lost 5 of my anime art folders, i gues i'll make another new one, for the new year.
2 years of art free, boy i have alot of catching up to do. (Y). Im still abit rusty, but my first drawing in 2 years, wasnt so bad. I could do better if i tried and put more effort into it, but, i just wanted to see how rusty ive gotten. Anyway heres a photo of the picture and the one i screwed up on trying the japanese method.

This one i screwed up on trying to draw it by following the japanese techniques of starting with a circle and crossing the face with lines to indicate aligness, but i didnt like the way it was coming out. I also drew it using pencil which i never do, because i love pacers! absolutely love pacers!

And this is the one i drew using my own techniques from my head == and pacer, big differnce. I never learnt to draw with pencils but i know if i did, pencils make drawings look a whole lot better. (Y) anyway the picture is "Konan" from naruto. I can still see the rusty parts of that picture, need to draw more and improve my skills.
Well today was a fun day, i should get back to propper work and study now, well thats enough for today, if you want me to try and draw something let me know, i suck at drawing realistic but i'll give it a go, for your entertainment. (Y)
The picture actually looks better when you look at it realisticly, my webcam camera is just dodged == anyway one game of dota, then study XD
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