Out of curiosity, i wonder what girls dream about. *-*
I think the less sleep i get, the more whack my dreams become lol.
I just got a phone call from raf, saying that adrian, yechi, KT and some others are going to watch wolvereen tonight, however you spell it. I think im going to go because im so bored. and btw, my past few blogs are overated, why? because im trying to get 30blogs done before this month ends lol. (Y)
trying to make it asif i did one blog a day. but yeh, now im just blabbering on, my day has been alrite, i got back into art and had an arguement with my brother. Jacky came over, and i have no idea why im even saying these things.
But yeh, if you wana help me out, give me an answer to the question above, im quite curioius for reasons i have no idea why i even want to know, or how i even came to that thought of seeking an answer for a irrelavant question such as that. maybe i stopped making sense from the beginning but now im just procrastinating on and on. i should get dressed, bus it to town, and study hard when i get back.
okay, anyway, did you know:
- It is believed that Shakespeare was 46 around the time that the King James Version of the Bible was written. In Psalms 46, the 46th word from the first word is shake and the 46th word from the last word is spear.
- Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.
- It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.
- Marijuana is Spanish for 'Mary Jane.'
- Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie.
- Men can read smaller print than women; women can hear better.
- The nursery rhyme Ring Around the Rosey is a rhyme about the plague. Infected people with the plague would get red circular sores ("Ring around the rosey..."), these sores would smell very badly so common folks would put flowers on their bodies somewhere (inconspicuously), so that it would cover the smell of the sores ("...a pocket full of posies..."), People who died from the plague would be burned so as to reduce the possible spread of the disease ("...ashes, ashes, we all fall down!")
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Cookies and Cream Ice cream! *-*
Omg! what i would do for cookies and cream ice cream right now. *-*
Just the thought of it, i can almost feel the taste, one day, when the cookies and cream nerves start tingerling, im just gona grab a random friend i bump into in town and buy 2 tubs of cookies and cream ice cream and make them eat it with me in the food couts, we can look like tards lol.
ahhh cravings!!!!! im thirsting for cookies and cream ==, You know what they should invent? A cookies and cream chocolate ice cream! omg... id so buy it.
or a cookies and cream waffle cake! or a cookies and cream cheese cake! *-* omg! i demand for more variety flavours of cookies and cream!
If it wasnt so cold, id go to the shops buy a tub and start eating it as im blogging.
What do you think Konan?
Konan: Master is whack in the head and needs to stop talking to himself.
Peter: Bitch! dont make me draw another arm/head on you == you becareful with what you say to me lol
Im so bored.... craving ice cream and worship.
Konan is Whack! *-*
So i was watching a youtube clip, and i came upon a guy drawing anime, which sort of, set of that small little flame inside me. and the more i waited, the more the flame of inspiration grew inside. At first i was like yeh.. okay i'll give art a second chance. So i thought id draw anime the orignial style, but as i suck at it, i gave up and went to my normal style of art.
Half way through the picture, i ran out of leads... and i was like, noooo!!!! i dont want to stop, not yet!! need to finnish this! and when i did finnish it, i felt somewhat light inside. I remember that feeling when you first drew a perfect picture. Its not always perfect, but it is in your eyes. I think, from now on, im going to get back into art. Although ive lost 5 of my anime art folders, i gues i'll make another new one, for the new year.
2 years of art free, boy i have alot of catching up to do. (Y). Im still abit rusty, but my first drawing in 2 years, wasnt so bad. I could do better if i tried and put more effort into it, but, i just wanted to see how rusty ive gotten. Anyway heres a photo of the picture and the one i screwed up on trying the japanese method.

This one i screwed up on trying to draw it by following the japanese techniques of starting with a circle and crossing the face with lines to indicate aligness, but i didnt like the way it was coming out. I also drew it using pencil which i never do, because i love pacers! absolutely love pacers!

And this is the one i drew using my own techniques from my head == and pacer, big differnce. I never learnt to draw with pencils but i know if i did, pencils make drawings look a whole lot better. (Y) anyway the picture is "Konan" from naruto. I can still see the rusty parts of that picture, need to draw more and improve my skills.
Well today was a fun day, i should get back to propper work and study now, well thats enough for today, if you want me to try and draw something let me know, i suck at drawing realistic but i'll give it a go, for your entertainment. (Y)
The picture actually looks better when you look at it realisticly, my webcam camera is just dodged == anyway one game of dota, then study XD
Half way through the picture, i ran out of leads... and i was like, noooo!!!! i dont want to stop, not yet!! need to finnish this! and when i did finnish it, i felt somewhat light inside. I remember that feeling when you first drew a perfect picture. Its not always perfect, but it is in your eyes. I think, from now on, im going to get back into art. Although ive lost 5 of my anime art folders, i gues i'll make another new one, for the new year.
2 years of art free, boy i have alot of catching up to do. (Y). Im still abit rusty, but my first drawing in 2 years, wasnt so bad. I could do better if i tried and put more effort into it, but, i just wanted to see how rusty ive gotten. Anyway heres a photo of the picture and the one i screwed up on trying the japanese method.

This one i screwed up on trying to draw it by following the japanese techniques of starting with a circle and crossing the face with lines to indicate aligness, but i didnt like the way it was coming out. I also drew it using pencil which i never do, because i love pacers! absolutely love pacers!

And this is the one i drew using my own techniques from my head == and pacer, big differnce. I never learnt to draw with pencils but i know if i did, pencils make drawings look a whole lot better. (Y) anyway the picture is "Konan" from naruto. I can still see the rusty parts of that picture, need to draw more and improve my skills.
Well today was a fun day, i should get back to propper work and study now, well thats enough for today, if you want me to try and draw something let me know, i suck at drawing realistic but i'll give it a go, for your entertainment. (Y)
The picture actually looks better when you look at it realisticly, my webcam camera is just dodged == anyway one game of dota, then study XD
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
They remained constant while i was flashing yellow. *-*
It seems i learnt several things today. well to be precise i learnt 3 valuable things about myself and others.
1. I just discovered the path im going to follow now, i think he gave it to me, its no wonder i developed such an interest all of a sudden, i think i'll redirect my life either next year or in 5 years time.
2. I learnt something about chicks, and its not the pride thing Zoe lol.
3. Me and White guys dont mix.
Okay so today, we just finnished law lecture me and my friend went to Uni bar because he wanted to meet his friends and he askd me to come along so i did. We got to Uni bar and there was like 3 white guys and 4-5 white chicks. And i swear, they were all getting wasted, and i was eating my dumplings, then they began talking about sex and their girlfriends. I recall someone saying something like "If they love you then they should have sex with you" and my friend broke up with his girlfriend because she wouldnt have sex with him, and in my mind i was just like, i so dont fit into any of this... why am i here?
But i cant believe the mind set of some guys, my friend askd a guy, do you love her? and his like the sex? and then his like if there was no sex? and the guy was like, well then she would have to agree that i can have sex with other girls to maintain the relationship... and i was just thinking in my mind... who do these guys think they are? and whats with the sex? Some guy was like, a relationship isnt a relationship if you cant have sex. and then my friend was telling his story about him and his girlfriend, and his brother was like what? you broke up with your girlfriend? and his like yeh... and his brother was like, you should have fuckd her before you broke up with her, and his like, nah she doesnt want to have sex, and his brother was like, omg shes bloody useless you should have broke up with her ages ago... and then they all started laughing... and i, being the only sober and the only guy who had a differnt opinion just kept silent and smiled...
Yeh... I for one as a Christian and an asian, do not mix with whites and athiests. Binge drinking and sex, eww not my typical topic, i should try and convert my friend, or should i say save him? because really his not a bad person and i want to help him out. But yeh, changing his mind set is gonna be hard work. He sorta reminds me of something. But yeh... this is why i'll stick with asians and probably not go near his white friends again, dont need any uneccesary influence.
anyway, this will do for now, im gonna shower and probably msn abit then sleep. Good night Wednesday, its been a fun and whack day, God bless.
1. I just discovered the path im going to follow now, i think he gave it to me, its no wonder i developed such an interest all of a sudden, i think i'll redirect my life either next year or in 5 years time.
2. I learnt something about chicks, and its not the pride thing Zoe lol.
3. Me and White guys dont mix.
Okay so today, we just finnished law lecture me and my friend went to Uni bar because he wanted to meet his friends and he askd me to come along so i did. We got to Uni bar and there was like 3 white guys and 4-5 white chicks. And i swear, they were all getting wasted, and i was eating my dumplings, then they began talking about sex and their girlfriends. I recall someone saying something like "If they love you then they should have sex with you" and my friend broke up with his girlfriend because she wouldnt have sex with him, and in my mind i was just like, i so dont fit into any of this... why am i here?
But i cant believe the mind set of some guys, my friend askd a guy, do you love her? and his like the sex? and then his like if there was no sex? and the guy was like, well then she would have to agree that i can have sex with other girls to maintain the relationship... and i was just thinking in my mind... who do these guys think they are? and whats with the sex? Some guy was like, a relationship isnt a relationship if you cant have sex. and then my friend was telling his story about him and his girlfriend, and his brother was like what? you broke up with your girlfriend? and his like yeh... and his brother was like, you should have fuckd her before you broke up with her, and his like, nah she doesnt want to have sex, and his brother was like, omg shes bloody useless you should have broke up with her ages ago... and then they all started laughing... and i, being the only sober and the only guy who had a differnt opinion just kept silent and smiled...
Yeh... I for one as a Christian and an asian, do not mix with whites and athiests. Binge drinking and sex, eww not my typical topic, i should try and convert my friend, or should i say save him? because really his not a bad person and i want to help him out. But yeh, changing his mind set is gonna be hard work. He sorta reminds me of something. But yeh... this is why i'll stick with asians and probably not go near his white friends again, dont need any uneccesary influence.
anyway, this will do for now, im gonna shower and probably msn abit then sleep. Good night Wednesday, its been a fun and whack day, God bless.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
His watching me XDDDD
Okay, Uni wasnt so bad today, well i thought id finnish and solo my accounting assignment and skip the tutorial which is what i did and got my friend to hand it up for me. :D
But yeh, So me and this guy Jhonny from Mareitville, his a white guy, yeh you must be like wow omg Peter has a white friend! but yeh, omg this guy is awsome, So we were sitting on the stairs and the asian chick that im always like omg, shes fine, showed up and i was like "hey, that asian chick there is pretty fine dont you think?" and his like "No way... i noticed her on the first day but i didnt wana say anything" and so we went into the law lecture, and half stalking her lmao. I was like... so what do yu give her out of 10? and his like 8-9? i was like, yeh.. i'd give her a 9 aswell although we dont even know her, and his like, so what do we call her? and im like, well we've been calling her the law chick, so lets call her that, maybe she'll be in our classes next semester XD
But yeh, so we then caught the tram and got off in rundle, and as we were walking pass, we walked passed her, and he was too busy talking to me, and i was like, hey, you know, we just walked past that God like girl? dont turn around, she'll notice, and he turns around and stares at her for like a full 2 minutes, i was like omg you blown our cover, next time you do it, blow yours and not mine, now she knows we're talking about her lol. After walking around rundle, we were like yeh im bored... wana go Adelaide high and rate girls? his like, yeh why not.. walk into bar smith library, we were like... mmz very dissapointing dont you rekon? quite disapointing to be honest lol.
But yeh... we guys get up to weird stuff, theres nothing wrong with looking at a beautiful girl is there? I mean, we're just appreciating her beauty for her lol. I hope she doesnt find my blog and find out what we did lmao. But yeh, noo relationships til next year... so its alright to check out people around you XD for now... must keep it as little as possible >.<>
I think i'll give the God thing a go. Instead of picking who i want to chase after, i'll know when he tells me. Which is another story, better not go back on my words and screw up ==. I think he just made me say that last sentence lmao. yeh yeh, i better stop checking out this law chick, might screw up my mind, dont play the games of a potential player. His really making me think now lmao, okay back to reality. Sometimes i feel like his argueing with me with what im doing lol, yeh i made a promise with him and he keeps reminding me. Must stand by my words. Sorry! XD
But yeh, So me and this guy Jhonny from Mareitville, his a white guy, yeh you must be like wow omg Peter has a white friend! but yeh, omg this guy is awsome, So we were sitting on the stairs and the asian chick that im always like omg, shes fine, showed up and i was like "hey, that asian chick there is pretty fine dont you think?" and his like "No way... i noticed her on the first day but i didnt wana say anything" and so we went into the law lecture, and half stalking her lmao. I was like... so what do yu give her out of 10? and his like 8-9? i was like, yeh.. i'd give her a 9 aswell although we dont even know her, and his like, so what do we call her? and im like, well we've been calling her the law chick, so lets call her that, maybe she'll be in our classes next semester XD
But yeh, so we then caught the tram and got off in rundle, and as we were walking pass, we walked passed her, and he was too busy talking to me, and i was like, hey, you know, we just walked past that God like girl? dont turn around, she'll notice, and he turns around and stares at her for like a full 2 minutes, i was like omg you blown our cover, next time you do it, blow yours and not mine, now she knows we're talking about her lol. After walking around rundle, we were like yeh im bored... wana go Adelaide high and rate girls? his like, yeh why not.. walk into bar smith library, we were like... mmz very dissapointing dont you rekon? quite disapointing to be honest lol.
But yeh... we guys get up to weird stuff, theres nothing wrong with looking at a beautiful girl is there? I mean, we're just appreciating her beauty for her lol. I hope she doesnt find my blog and find out what we did lmao. But yeh, noo relationships til next year... so its alright to check out people around you XD for now... must keep it as little as possible >.<>
I think i'll give the God thing a go. Instead of picking who i want to chase after, i'll know when he tells me. Which is another story, better not go back on my words and screw up ==. I think he just made me say that last sentence lmao. yeh yeh, i better stop checking out this law chick, might screw up my mind, dont play the games of a potential player. His really making me think now lmao, okay back to reality. Sometimes i feel like his argueing with me with what im doing lol, yeh i made a promise with him and he keeps reminding me. Must stand by my words. Sorry! XD
You know what i think? If you know what you want, and you remain loyal chasing it, then you'll probably get it. Their just my words so dont blame me if it fails lol. and you cant sue me for compensation for any mental damage because i just declared that its just my statement. Right now his like, go to bed and follow that principal. lalalalalal! i must obey! Good night Tuesday!
Decisions, decisions. *-*
Lame... im so bored... Face book and lost its entertainment. FInnished my homework and no games til weekend. What can i do now? nothing but blog...
Anyway its amazing how one decision, small or big has a huge outcome/consequence. I gues the next time we decide to make a choice between alternatives, we should consider, otherwise pay the penalty. Life doesnt offer second chances, no matter how you see it, a second chance will always be different. If you died today or tommorow, would you beable to say, i was satisfied with my life? would you beable to say, i lived it to the fullest?
Anyway its amazing how one decision, small or big has a huge outcome/consequence. I gues the next time we decide to make a choice between alternatives, we should consider, otherwise pay the penalty. Life doesnt offer second chances, no matter how you see it, a second chance will always be different. If you died today or tommorow, would you beable to say, i was satisfied with my life? would you beable to say, i lived it to the fullest?
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Amplification. *-*
Last night, i remeber i was raging and annoyed and didnt talk to my mum because she made me late and i missed 97% of worship. T___T you know that feeling inside, when you feel like you can just let it all out and forget, its sort of like that when you worship. I was just dying to enter that atmosphere, cept when i rocked up, i was all stressed, it did cool me down the last 3% but it wasnt enough, the stress eventually hit me and i got really exausted and fell asleep during service. After service when i woke up i felt abit better, but i was still annoyed i missed worship, it goes to show that the world wont slow down and wait for you to catch up.
Now i have to wait til next week. I dont know why, but when i was ready to leave, i noticed there was a bonfire. Yeh, i was still raging inside and agitated. But when i reached the burning flames, it cooled me down in a way, i couldnt take my eyes off it. Something about it, made me warm inside and mentally not physically although there was physical warmness. Just standing in front of the fire, made me feel somewhat normal, like we're all the same. Life is definiatly strange.
It is true, whenever you fall down, stand still, the world is never going to wait for you. we cant do anything about that. It sorta reminds me of the things i should be doing and need to do before, i lose sight of this world.
If i may, I will Amplify you. *-*
Now i have to wait til next week. I dont know why, but when i was ready to leave, i noticed there was a bonfire. Yeh, i was still raging inside and agitated. But when i reached the burning flames, it cooled me down in a way, i couldnt take my eyes off it. Something about it, made me warm inside and mentally not physically although there was physical warmness. Just standing in front of the fire, made me feel somewhat normal, like we're all the same. Life is definiatly strange.
It is true, whenever you fall down, stand still, the world is never going to wait for you. we cant do anything about that. It sorta reminds me of the things i should be doing and need to do before, i lose sight of this world.
If i may, I will Amplify you. *-*
Friday, April 24, 2009
Whack Night, Whack Ice cream, Whack people *-*
Man, Wednesday night was so whack! Raf organised a Casino night, and lets say it epicly failed. The day before, everybody was like, umm yeh sure, i'll come. And on the night, nobody could be bothered showing, i somehow managed to drag Elysia out, and Kevin and Eunice, yu guys broke my heart T_T specially Kevin. cant believe yu didnt come. T__________T anyway, so we decided to eat macas until Elysia came, Adrian and Eric, wanted to eat without her, but then we got a phone call, to come and get her, because its Hindley at night, you know, whack things might happen. When we met up with Elysia some guy came up to us and was like hey i'll sell yu this discman for 20$ to Adrian and then he came to me, i was like nah not interested.
Omg, look how close we came, this is the reaction after hearing the word ice cream multiple times, yep, i developed a concussion from the word ice cream T_T. Look at all that cream, mixed together, theres a strawberry in there somewhere. man they had everything but cookies and cream T_T anyway, church tonight! cant wait *-*
And then he was like how about an Ipod? i was like thinking in my head, im interested lol, but then he walkd off and i was like Ipod? Adrians listening to an Ipod, maybe he'll steal it of Adrian and sell it to me lol. But yeh, so we went to eat at ramajin Ramen watever its called T_T and adrian and eric went to eat at Yiros! never tried. but yeh, so after they finnished they met up with us, and decided to go to the casino before us, we ordered like 3 bowls of noodles, and 2 side dish, which were alrite. when we finnished we decided to go to the casino T_T which was epic fail, because raf lost his ID so he cudnt enter, and so we thought we'd be smart and try another entrance, but they have walky talkys == i swear some of those guards there need to get laid.
So we then decided to walk around rundle, and eat desert, ended up going to cocolat and some other weird places, but ended up in gelatimo watever its called, the place where moon works. She gave us a discount and we ordered this 32scoup ice cream with all the flavours. It took us so long to come up with a decision T_T and it took even longer eating it. I swear i had like 40% Elysia had 50% and raf had 5% and 5% left over lol. epic fail.
The chocolate eventually kicked in, and i started dripping chocolate on raf XD omg it was so funny, the ice cream was pretty good until all the good flavours were gone and they all mixed into one, and then it all tasted like crap. >.<
but yeh, heres some photoes which i stole of Elysias face book.
It was actually quite filling, after the huge ice cream, i wanted to get some gloria jeans but too bad it was closed, on the way to Elysia's car, we saw 2 guai lous fighting, i heard a girl say "fucking white!" i was like O_O! whoa! she just payed out herself, i wanted to keep watching but Raf and Elysia kept walking T_T and we had front row seats...
but yeh, whack night!
anyway thanks for coming Raf and Elysia *-*
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Happy Birthday Jonoman. <3
Happy 17th Birthday Jono. Man we had a whack year last year, your probably one of my best male friends. A year full of memories and laughs. Today we went to macas to celebrate jonos bday, i dont know, but every Tuesday is always whack and funny. Today i found 2 puppies and lured them to my house *-*
Took some photoes with them, called Sarah and seeing as they didnt have any collars, we didnt want them to die over night, so Sarah got her sisters boy friend to come and check out the dogs. Well i wanted to keep them, but grandma didnt let me == so we let Anthony keep them.
yep we pretty much just stole/kidnapped two dogs *-* they are so cute! omg. I will call one, Shadow *-* that one always sits next to me even though ive only knew them for 2hours. aww dam i wish i could keep them T_T
if the owner ever comes, i'll just pretend i dont know where they are XD
im sooo mean T___T does that actually count as stealing? cus no name tag? and left out overnight, could have got killd, i probably saved its life and fed them. so technically its sorta mine o.o? and i get to decide who should take care of it? LOL dam im talking to myself, i wish someone whack would come on msn now, everybodies asleep. maybe i should just head off to bed, all the funny people are gone T^T.
I'll upload photoes of the puppies when i can be bothered uploading them off my phone XD. omg whack day, i was like well, i know what im giving jono for his bday XD, haha made some pretty whack jokes about them too XD
and Zoe you'd probably love them, they look like your sisters dog lol. I sorta feel bad for daisy, i brought the 2puppies inside and daisy saw them and started weeping, if thats the right word? anyway im gona msn with a random and see where it ends up lol. yay to me, and Happy Birthday Jono, your one of the best. (Y)
Took some photoes with them, called Sarah and seeing as they didnt have any collars, we didnt want them to die over night, so Sarah got her sisters boy friend to come and check out the dogs. Well i wanted to keep them, but grandma didnt let me == so we let Anthony keep them.
yep we pretty much just stole/kidnapped two dogs *-* they are so cute! omg. I will call one, Shadow *-* that one always sits next to me even though ive only knew them for 2hours. aww dam i wish i could keep them T_T
if the owner ever comes, i'll just pretend i dont know where they are XD
im sooo mean T___T does that actually count as stealing? cus no name tag? and left out overnight, could have got killd, i probably saved its life and fed them. so technically its sorta mine o.o? and i get to decide who should take care of it? LOL dam im talking to myself, i wish someone whack would come on msn now, everybodies asleep. maybe i should just head off to bed, all the funny people are gone T^T.
I'll upload photoes of the puppies when i can be bothered uploading them off my phone XD. omg whack day, i was like well, i know what im giving jono for his bday XD, haha made some pretty whack jokes about them too XD
and Zoe you'd probably love them, they look like your sisters dog lol. I sorta feel bad for daisy, i brought the 2puppies inside and daisy saw them and started weeping, if thats the right word? anyway im gona msn with a random and see where it ends up lol. yay to me, and Happy Birthday Jono, your one of the best. (Y)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Whack day, Whack night, Whack dreams. *-*
Wow, and just when i thought i'd sleep at 11:30pm last night, Eeshin pops online, and then hoi came on. And then the next i looked it was 1am == and omg had another whack conversation with Eeshin, i have discovered my inner harshness XD, finding whack face book photoes and laughing at them, omg hilarious. (Y)
well it then dragged on til 2:20am == and then eeshing had to sleep. Until today, i never realised that you can just blabber on about anything at night and it'll all make sense lol. well i was supose to sleep at 2am == but got caught up with Hoi til 3:40am T____T" im quite surprised by her level of english now. (Y)
anyway, Had such a whack day yesterday, Went to Uni, then met up with raf, stupid Raf made me meet him at 3 differnt places, then we went to say hi to Zoe and Pheobe at their secret hide out lol. Then went to eat in china town had the worse noodles ever == didnt like them so gave it to raf, then went to dumpling king and bought dumplings, and cudnt eat them T_T, but dam what an adventure it was lmao. Casino part was hilarious, we decided to go into the casino to get free hot chocolate for Zoe and Pheobe, and raf lost his wallet and used his passport from when he was 5, the chick kept looking at him and askign him quesitons. I gave her my Uni card, she was like "dont ever show me that again" and i was like pk lou! ==
well we got it and looked around for hot choclate, surprisingly, it wasnt so bad, and then we began the long journey to the botanic gardens == raf decided we should take a short cut, which wasnt really a short cut, but a long cut == but it was quite interesting lol (Y) and we saw melissa and Elysia in town like 3 times, they kept saying they were going home, but their stories were full of holes lol jk.
anyway, it was a whack day, we finally reached the botanic gardens and ate the dumplings == turned out my bracers were being a bitch. == Met up with Adrian, KT and others, for some good bye thing, which had a change of plans to glenelg ==. Yep, very epicly failed day. (Y)
Yeh, so me and raf decided to go and study, waited for Zoe and Pheobe to cactch their busses, then we went to hungry jacks rofl == and after studying, we decided to go watch a movie, "Crank" not a bad movie, but yeh, and played alot of street fighter 4 again == lol, and did i mention we went to get a bucket of KFC before the movie? lmao, wow what a money consuming day, and food consuming day T_____T"""
Must be productive today! but yeh, whack day, whack night, whack dream aswell O_ o i was like pK! wtfudgesticles, this is such a dream, because no way in heck, she'll be converted like that lol. anyway, its been quite a whack holiday, maybe today will be whack (Y) because i know badminton will be. XD
anyways im off now, need to get dressed, do hair, go library *-*
well it then dragged on til 2:20am == and then eeshing had to sleep. Until today, i never realised that you can just blabber on about anything at night and it'll all make sense lol. well i was supose to sleep at 2am == but got caught up with Hoi til 3:40am T____T" im quite surprised by her level of english now. (Y)
anyway, Had such a whack day yesterday, Went to Uni, then met up with raf, stupid Raf made me meet him at 3 differnt places, then we went to say hi to Zoe and Pheobe at their secret hide out lol. Then went to eat in china town had the worse noodles ever == didnt like them so gave it to raf, then went to dumpling king and bought dumplings, and cudnt eat them T_T, but dam what an adventure it was lmao. Casino part was hilarious, we decided to go into the casino to get free hot chocolate for Zoe and Pheobe, and raf lost his wallet and used his passport from when he was 5, the chick kept looking at him and askign him quesitons. I gave her my Uni card, she was like "dont ever show me that again" and i was like pk lou! ==
well we got it and looked around for hot choclate, surprisingly, it wasnt so bad, and then we began the long journey to the botanic gardens == raf decided we should take a short cut, which wasnt really a short cut, but a long cut == but it was quite interesting lol (Y) and we saw melissa and Elysia in town like 3 times, they kept saying they were going home, but their stories were full of holes lol jk.
anyway, it was a whack day, we finally reached the botanic gardens and ate the dumplings == turned out my bracers were being a bitch. == Met up with Adrian, KT and others, for some good bye thing, which had a change of plans to glenelg ==. Yep, very epicly failed day. (Y)
Yeh, so me and raf decided to go and study, waited for Zoe and Pheobe to cactch their busses, then we went to hungry jacks rofl == and after studying, we decided to go watch a movie, "Crank" not a bad movie, but yeh, and played alot of street fighter 4 again == lol, and did i mention we went to get a bucket of KFC before the movie? lmao, wow what a money consuming day, and food consuming day T_____T"""
Must be productive today! but yeh, whack day, whack night, whack dream aswell O_ o i was like pK! wtfudgesticles, this is such a dream, because no way in heck, she'll be converted like that lol. anyway, its been quite a whack holiday, maybe today will be whack (Y) because i know badminton will be. XD
anyways im off now, need to get dressed, do hair, go library *-*
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Whack game XD why didnt i come up with it XD
Haha, today at badminton, Weijung thought we should play a rating game. So we started naming people and rating them out of 10. Im so proud to say, she gave me an 8, actually i wana stab her rofl jk. Nah it was fun/funny, apparently shes never given anybody a 10.
and shame to say, there were people rated at 2. >.<>
and shame to say, there were people rated at 2. >.<>
This is her story, Thank you, its great to know you've helped someone. (:
I pray to God she does not read my blog. >.<>
You know, God has many ways of using people to communicate to each other, and to rebuild relationships. I had no idea of my influences and how carried away i can get, but this is her story and i appreciate you writing all this in hand.
"on a more serious side, i was actually planning to tell you something specific on here. It's weird because i wasnt actually planning to tell you this but considering im only giving you this today, what the hey, so here we go":
You've been a Christian for like a year right?
I remember the feeling during my first year of honestly accepting Christ in my life - excited, like i had a adrenaline rush going through me. I always wanted more as in like, read my bible, listen to talks more, just listening to people who had accepted God in their life also.
It felt exciting, and i felt content.
Kind of like how you are now. You get so excited when you start talking about God & Faith. But the point of all this is that theres times in your life, well maybe not for you yet and hopefully not ever, but theres times in my life of being a Christian when i start to burn out. And it gets like that sometimes, for a-lot of people - when you start to drift away from God and whats important. My life of being a Christian so far is really long, complicated and hectic, but what i really wanted to say is this:
During last year and nearly the end. My spiritual life and my thirst for God had started to dry out, as in i started to drift away again, getting tired and angry with family & church, spending time with God less, basically i wasnt pleasing him and i wasnt content. I didnt have that excitement and rush i had felt in my first year of being a Christian. I wasnt as committed and excited as you are now or you when i first saw you, I mean, actually talked to you.
This is going to sound weird and you have no idea but "You have no idea how much of an impact you really were in my life".
I believe, like i've told you before maybe: that "God never gives you anything you cant handle".
and its mentioned in the bible somewhere in the bible.
I believe in times of trouble God gives you doors and opportunities to give you his hand at help, to speak to you, help you, uplift you.
For me, at a really dry time in my life he gave me you. And i know that sounds cheesy as hell, but i mean it, like this. The first time you started talking about how excited you were and it brought back all these memories from my first year. It reminded me how good having God in my life can be, and i felt uplifted.
I felt like God was talking to me through you. And i felt so blessed. And i felt like it was all planned. Me actually meeting you at that specific time in my life.
Long story short (because everyones up my ass about me writing so much). The first day i talked to you truly was a blessing, even if you dont think so.
Anyway Happy Birthday, take care and God bless - Anonymous

Thanks for sharing the story, really appreciate it. You know, honestly, im not as commited as people think, although i try at times, but its really hard, and the things that make me try are the people around me. The people i hang with at church, at times, its annoying and frustrating, but i still keep in mind even if im not focused during service, or day dreaming about the impossible, i usualy try to reflect the messages on my personal life and experiences.
But i can say that, its not me thats keeping the faith, or making me stronger, its the people i hang with at church, i mean i am contributing effort into it, but they have a huge influence in my life, i mean if i stopped following that group, i know my faith will probly burn out slowly, which is why i'll stick by you guys, till im strong enough to be independent.
And i know at times its quite gay because they're a bunch of chicks and they keep to themselves, but they give me inspiration, determination, a reason, and answers.
I admit at times its frustrating, but, like Zoe said, faith is really all we have. Even the closest person you keep will leave you one day. So i dont really care how frustrating any circumstances maybe, as long as it helps me develop a stronger faith.
Anyway, ive gone and wrote another essay, but it was fun, God bless you guys always.
You know, God has many ways of using people to communicate to each other, and to rebuild relationships. I had no idea of my influences and how carried away i can get, but this is her story and i appreciate you writing all this in hand.
"on a more serious side, i was actually planning to tell you something specific on here. It's weird because i wasnt actually planning to tell you this but considering im only giving you this today, what the hey, so here we go":
You've been a Christian for like a year right?
I remember the feeling during my first year of honestly accepting Christ in my life - excited, like i had a adrenaline rush going through me. I always wanted more as in like, read my bible, listen to talks more, just listening to people who had accepted God in their life also.
It felt exciting, and i felt content.
Kind of like how you are now. You get so excited when you start talking about God & Faith. But the point of all this is that theres times in your life, well maybe not for you yet and hopefully not ever, but theres times in my life of being a Christian when i start to burn out. And it gets like that sometimes, for a-lot of people - when you start to drift away from God and whats important. My life of being a Christian so far is really long, complicated and hectic, but what i really wanted to say is this:
During last year and nearly the end. My spiritual life and my thirst for God had started to dry out, as in i started to drift away again, getting tired and angry with family & church, spending time with God less, basically i wasnt pleasing him and i wasnt content. I didnt have that excitement and rush i had felt in my first year of being a Christian. I wasnt as committed and excited as you are now or you when i first saw you, I mean, actually talked to you.
This is going to sound weird and you have no idea but "You have no idea how much of an impact you really were in my life".
I believe, like i've told you before maybe: that "God never gives you anything you cant handle".
and its mentioned in the bible somewhere in the bible.
I believe in times of trouble God gives you doors and opportunities to give you his hand at help, to speak to you, help you, uplift you.
For me, at a really dry time in my life he gave me you. And i know that sounds cheesy as hell, but i mean it, like this. The first time you started talking about how excited you were and it brought back all these memories from my first year. It reminded me how good having God in my life can be, and i felt uplifted.
I felt like God was talking to me through you. And i felt so blessed. And i felt like it was all planned. Me actually meeting you at that specific time in my life.
Long story short (because everyones up my ass about me writing so much). The first day i talked to you truly was a blessing, even if you dont think so.
Anyway Happy Birthday, take care and God bless - Anonymous

Thanks for sharing the story, really appreciate it. You know, honestly, im not as commited as people think, although i try at times, but its really hard, and the things that make me try are the people around me. The people i hang with at church, at times, its annoying and frustrating, but i still keep in mind even if im not focused during service, or day dreaming about the impossible, i usualy try to reflect the messages on my personal life and experiences.
But i can say that, its not me thats keeping the faith, or making me stronger, its the people i hang with at church, i mean i am contributing effort into it, but they have a huge influence in my life, i mean if i stopped following that group, i know my faith will probly burn out slowly, which is why i'll stick by you guys, till im strong enough to be independent.
And i know at times its quite gay because they're a bunch of chicks and they keep to themselves, but they give me inspiration, determination, a reason, and answers.
I admit at times its frustrating, but, like Zoe said, faith is really all we have. Even the closest person you keep will leave you one day. So i dont really care how frustrating any circumstances maybe, as long as it helps me develop a stronger faith.
Anyway, ive gone and wrote another essay, but it was fun, God bless you guys always.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Whack conversation with mum. <3 *-*
You know, i owe a huge thanks to a leng loi for making me into what i am now.
You've given me this huge ego boost, which has built my confidence and trust in myself. I understand how it feels to just live like that now. You've put my rep in its shoes, yet looked past the meaning of it.
Thanks for not judging that part. your awsome. i'll thank you properly one day aswell, i owe alot of people my appreciation.
Today, while driving with my mum, she randomly asked me.
mum: so do you have a girlfriend?
Peter: what?
mum: le wu gai ja bou peng you wu bo?
Peter: your a little late to be asking that.
mum: so you did have a girlfriend?
Peter: yeh, but we broke up.
mum: nobody tells me anything ToT
mum: oh what happened?
Peter: dont know, just a break up.
mum: so your with another girl now?
Peter: i said i just got out of a relationship
mum: so you broke up with her for someone else?
Peter: wtfudge? mum your english is horrible, i said im single...
mum: ohhhh, but if i spoke in chinese you wudnt understand...
Peter: and even when you speak in english, i dont understand T_T
mum: so do you have a girlfriend?
Peter: mum im single okay?
mum: who was she?
Peter: oh church friend.
mum: so why did you break up with her for another girl?
Peter: mum honestly your english is so bad, i said, we broke up, theres no other girl T_T geez, you say it as if im the bad one, im not like dad, T_T
mum: oh okay, well if you find someone, keep them, and dont screw up, if shes good dont ever let go.
Peter: yeh, i know mum, just let me do things my way okay? and i can get into a relationship if i wanted to right now, i told you, im not like dad ==, and can we do this another time....?
mum: yeh okay, bye
Peter: yeh, cya.
I cant believe my mum asked me that straight out, i guess ive hit the adult stage in life now (Y). wasnt awkward i kinda found it interesting. but we'll see what she comes up with next, pray to God she doesnt say anything whack at the bbq today. *-*
Love you always mum. <3
You've given me this huge ego boost, which has built my confidence and trust in myself. I understand how it feels to just live like that now. You've put my rep in its shoes, yet looked past the meaning of it.
Thanks for not judging that part. your awsome. i'll thank you properly one day aswell, i owe alot of people my appreciation.
Today, while driving with my mum, she randomly asked me.
mum: so do you have a girlfriend?
Peter: what?
mum: le wu gai ja bou peng you wu bo?
Peter: your a little late to be asking that.
mum: so you did have a girlfriend?
Peter: yeh, but we broke up.
mum: nobody tells me anything ToT
mum: oh what happened?
Peter: dont know, just a break up.
mum: so your with another girl now?
Peter: i said i just got out of a relationship
mum: so you broke up with her for someone else?
Peter: wtfudge? mum your english is horrible, i said im single...
mum: ohhhh, but if i spoke in chinese you wudnt understand...
Peter: and even when you speak in english, i dont understand T_T
mum: so do you have a girlfriend?
Peter: mum im single okay?
mum: who was she?
Peter: oh church friend.
mum: so why did you break up with her for another girl?
Peter: mum honestly your english is so bad, i said, we broke up, theres no other girl T_T geez, you say it as if im the bad one, im not like dad, T_T
mum: oh okay, well if you find someone, keep them, and dont screw up, if shes good dont ever let go.
Peter: yeh, i know mum, just let me do things my way okay? and i can get into a relationship if i wanted to right now, i told you, im not like dad ==, and can we do this another time....?
mum: yeh okay, bye
Peter: yeh, cya.
I cant believe my mum asked me that straight out, i guess ive hit the adult stage in life now (Y). wasnt awkward i kinda found it interesting. but we'll see what she comes up with next, pray to God she doesnt say anything whack at the bbq today. *-*
Love you always mum. <3
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Whats you're Game? *-*
Ahh im seeing the light again, all because of a dream.
I swear, dream happy, wake up happy, live happy lol.
i gotta admit, im not very impressed at your behaviour lately and you're naive actions. But, its quite entertaining, infact, i probably owe you for providing me an escape rope without realising. Which is why, i've given you something in return.

That wont be me of course lol, i can smell the taste of freedom.
I swear, dream happy, wake up happy, live happy lol.
i gotta admit, im not very impressed at your behaviour lately and you're naive actions. But, its quite entertaining, infact, i probably owe you for providing me an escape rope without realising. Which is why, i've given you something in return.

That wont be me of course lol, i can smell the taste of freedom.
Whack convo's all over again *-*
Omg last night i had the whackest conversation with Cheryl and Eeshin. I think my last really long whack convo was like last year with Zoe for liek more then 8hours lmao.
But yeh, omg it was like Cheryl was telling me things about Eeshin, and i showed Eeshin, and Eeshin, was like so contradicting herself. omg funniest conversation i had all year. I think im beginning to like late night msn more than daily msn now. *-*
Stupid Whale doesnt even come online anymore O_ o jk XD
But omg, i did intend to sleep at 12am, then i began talking to Cheryl, and then it got to 2am, and i began talking to Eeshin aswell, then it was 3am, and then Eeshin got told off and had to sleep rofl, and i went to sleep at 3:30 and Cheryl solo'd the night (Y) lol
Oh and omg thanks Pheobe for helping maintain the whack convo during the day, those dam 6hours before badminton omg, killed me inside lol. and it was totally worth it, i had such a whack night, with Vic, Sarah, Jono and Qouc as always every Tuesday XD
Jono was sharing his story about how he got wasted at karaoke and ran out of money, so they legged it through the toilet lmao!
but yeh, Tuesday, was a great night, and ended the night, with so much laughter and bitching with Shanks (Y) and now? i have panda eyes and pale skin >.<>
But yeh, omg it was like Cheryl was telling me things about Eeshin, and i showed Eeshin, and Eeshin, was like so contradicting herself. omg funniest conversation i had all year. I think im beginning to like late night msn more than daily msn now. *-*
Stupid Whale doesnt even come online anymore O_ o jk XD
But omg, i did intend to sleep at 12am, then i began talking to Cheryl, and then it got to 2am, and i began talking to Eeshin aswell, then it was 3am, and then Eeshin got told off and had to sleep rofl, and i went to sleep at 3:30 and Cheryl solo'd the night (Y) lol
Oh and omg thanks Pheobe for helping maintain the whack convo during the day, those dam 6hours before badminton omg, killed me inside lol. and it was totally worth it, i had such a whack night, with Vic, Sarah, Jono and Qouc as always every Tuesday XD
Jono was sharing his story about how he got wasted at karaoke and ran out of money, so they legged it through the toilet lmao!
but yeh, Tuesday, was a great night, and ended the night, with so much laughter and bitching with Shanks (Y) and now? i have panda eyes and pale skin >.<>
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Beautiful Song. *-*
Fudesticles! omg this song has been playing non-stop lol.
It seems ive discovered abit of how my mind works, i tend to not like songs at the first time, but when it randomly plays and i recongnise it, i get addicted to it lol.
But this song has heaps nice lyrics and it sounds like Nickel back and Mika at the end, which sounds whack! lol
Anyway thanks Zoe for the wonderful song. *-* thanks for making my other songs feel like crap aslwell :P
song name : Always be my Baby - David Cook.
It seems ive discovered abit of how my mind works, i tend to not like songs at the first time, but when it randomly plays and i recongnise it, i get addicted to it lol.
But this song has heaps nice lyrics and it sounds like Nickel back and Mika at the end, which sounds whack! lol
Anyway thanks Zoe for the wonderful song. *-* thanks for making my other songs feel like crap aslwell :P
song name : Always be my Baby - David Cook.
Monday, April 13, 2009
She said "They did that to you, you didnt have the intention"
I dont know nor do i understand why, but i told you the truth. I dont exactly trust you as much as my other friends, but you're the first i've ever told about it. The good thing is, you still dont believe me. (Y)
I am exactly what you thought i wasnt. believe it or not, i am. Mayb im just not as good as i was before, but im still here. and im probably still going to continue it.
Maybe its because you cant picture me in that character. it doesnt matter, im just glad you didnt judge me when and after i told you. Actually thats the best thing about you, you havnt judged me since the day we met, and i hope it stays that way. well thanks for calling anyway, its always good to talk. (Y)
Right, now im about to go to badminton, im so excited!!!

Inspiring isnt it? All sorts of people can play, i mean if he can play, im quite sure some people can atleast give it a shot, i wont name names, but you know who you are lol, and you'll be reading this post im sure of it *-*. And to another person that plays with me, i mean if he can run and play, im sure you can aswell, stupid lame partner lol XD
I am exactly what you thought i wasnt. believe it or not, i am. Mayb im just not as good as i was before, but im still here. and im probably still going to continue it.
Maybe its because you cant picture me in that character. it doesnt matter, im just glad you didnt judge me when and after i told you. Actually thats the best thing about you, you havnt judged me since the day we met, and i hope it stays that way. well thanks for calling anyway, its always good to talk. (Y)
Right, now im about to go to badminton, im so excited!!!

Inspiring isnt it? All sorts of people can play, i mean if he can play, im quite sure some people can atleast give it a shot, i wont name names, but you know who you are lol, and you'll be reading this post im sure of it *-*. And to another person that plays with me, i mean if he can run and play, im sure you can aswell, stupid lame partner lol XD
I brought them to life. *-*
Its 2:02am and time is still trying to communicate to me. I still have no idea what its trying to say, but im still seeing whackness in the digits.
And i think this Influenza has made me skinnier, and making me very slack.
After sharing my lifes story with vic for the past 4 hours on my gay mobile which has gay reception when i lye down, i think i've realised that i talk about myself way too much, from this day foward, i'll try and focus on others.
Its funny, because i've told so many people about my life, but when you explain everything to someone whose whack in the head, you get answers that have never been suggested. Its weird to say, but i havnt really put much thought into a certain past, until tonight, i found that, a certain event, was indeed my fault.
So in other words, i have a confession to make. That time, what i did, was somebody else. Im, sorry.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Guys PMS more than Girls? without the Hormones?
Last night, i met someone who was almost in the same shoes as me, but probably in a worse state. I dont know if i was suppose to be there to help him emotionally, or spiritually, but all i know is, i helped him.
We shared some of our fudged up past and how we got done over. It was quite a surprise actually, i never thought he had that type of mind, we actually think quite alike, but his younger by a couple of years, so his still inexperienced and not tolerating things well enough.
Was quite interesting what he said though,"See you're lucky because, mine is there and yours is here, you can do something about it, i cant".
We somehow began talking about music, and he began singing "Circle - Marques Houston", and i was like omg, that song, yeh, i see where you're coming from. The thing was, i understood him, all his fudgedness.
See, i just made a powerful ally, or will it fuck up my life? I even tried bringing religion into the topic >.<>
Yeah, you know what's funny? Seems every time I try to forget about you My feelings pull you back in.
You know ?cause I got somebody else, And you got somebody else. But you and I both know what it really is, But still, you know what I'm sayin? B?
Ran across a picture you took of me and it got me thinkin?? Bout how we used to be, it was just you and me, Still hear you say you love me, put no one else above me, But that was back then, now you're just a memory
If I didn't go away to school then where would we be? Probably still together and somewhere happy, If I'm supposed to be moved on, in a new relationship strong, Then why are you still hauntin' me?
Fudge man, when he just randomly starting singing that, i swear, my gay radar ticked for a second, and then it stopped, quite relieved. I had no idea what he was singing until he got to the chorus lmao.
I think last night, Qouc and me were like the only sobers. I was sick and couldnt talk much, nor drink, and Qouc was the driver, so yeh, and i think i made him sick >.<,
Last night, bloody everyone who drank, went into a emo pit, it was like a party of chase the depressed and cure them. Some guy (Decklin) kept asking me to hit him, tried starting a fight with me and Qouc. We're friends but he was wasted so, we didnt take him on. And Vivian, i swear shes gona be a perfect mother when she grows up, she took care of jacky so much, i kinda felt bad watching. Everyone was pmsed, and Mj was full raging for a bit, i recall her saying "man yu guys pms way more then girls" and i was like, no shit. ToT
Friday, April 10, 2009
Never back down. *-*
This is what she said to me last night.
You know Peter, your being seen as the bad guy because you wont get your act straight.
Infact, you know you dont even need to be with me or talking to me right now, because you already know what your doing. you have the answers, and you should put it down to motion.
Think of it like this, you're in a pitch black hole and everybody whose tried to rescue you, you've cut their rope. Why? because you've grown comfortable in it. You dont want to be rescued, well you do, but through a different sense. You were given 4 opportunities on Saturday, you cut them all off, Peter opportunities dont come forever. Infact you dont even need anybodys help, your strong enough to just walk out of that pitch, yet you dont want to, you're living with that principal of yours again. Why cant you make exceptions? or just forget the principal?
You know, your getting done, I never thought you would ever reach this stage, remember that time when you said "No matter how or why you fall down, pick yourself up as soon as possible, because otherwise you wont want to get back up, and dont rely on others because you dont know when they'll realise and that nobody can pick you up as fast as you can yourself". haha i let everyone get to me, trying to help others before solving my puzzle first, you're lucky, because this is the first time you'll ever witness me fall like this. Now watch me rise and reign again. I forgot how fun it was to screw around and mess with my rep.
You know Peter, your being seen as the bad guy because you wont get your act straight.
Infact, you know you dont even need to be with me or talking to me right now, because you already know what your doing. you have the answers, and you should put it down to motion.
Think of it like this, you're in a pitch black hole and everybody whose tried to rescue you, you've cut their rope. Why? because you've grown comfortable in it. You dont want to be rescued, well you do, but through a different sense. You were given 4 opportunities on Saturday, you cut them all off, Peter opportunities dont come forever. Infact you dont even need anybodys help, your strong enough to just walk out of that pitch, yet you dont want to, you're living with that principal of yours again. Why cant you make exceptions? or just forget the principal?
You know, your getting done, I never thought you would ever reach this stage, remember that time when you said "No matter how or why you fall down, pick yourself up as soon as possible, because otherwise you wont want to get back up, and dont rely on others because you dont know when they'll realise and that nobody can pick you up as fast as you can yourself". haha i let everyone get to me, trying to help others before solving my puzzle first, you're lucky, because this is the first time you'll ever witness me fall like this. Now watch me rise and reign again. I forgot how fun it was to screw around and mess with my rep.
Thanks Sharon and Vi.
Never back down. *-*
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Who was that girl? *-*
Anyway, after meeting that amazing man, i could say he really inspired me. It shows what Christ can do to strengthen your faith.
After asking him many questions and not wasting anytime of understanding his life, i thought i had all my questions aswered to a man who i believed was a split image of a piece of me.
He was white but that doesnt change the fact that his life was quite similar to mine, even the secrets i keep to myself. But 3 hours after meeting that man, it hit me, i was like fudge!!!!! he had an asian wife O_ o i should have asked what her name was lol XD
Thank you Lord, for that blessful insight and the Cross earing. <3
Praise the lord, Amen. <3
"Through his words, we are healed".
Isaiah 53:5-
After asking him many questions and not wasting anytime of understanding his life, i thought i had all my questions aswered to a man who i believed was a split image of a piece of me.
He was white but that doesnt change the fact that his life was quite similar to mine, even the secrets i keep to myself. But 3 hours after meeting that man, it hit me, i was like fudge!!!!! he had an asian wife O_ o i should have asked what her name was lol XD
Thank you Lord, for that blessful insight and the Cross earing. <3
Praise the lord, Amen. <3
"Through his words, we are healed".
Isaiah 53:5-

The day before my Bday. (:
It all happend around 7pm at night, after studying at the library and thinking man tommorow is gonna suck, such crap schedules...
well anyway this is what happend.
well there you are xD
9:13:57 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
hello there
9:14:23 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
how was your day?
9:14:24 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
so howve you been?? you didnt say much in your msgs ;p
9:15:41 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
sick, tiredness, bordom, anger and whackness was my week, pretty crap apart from an amazing gift i got which was like from Christ id like to think lol
9:15:55 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
really whack day on Monday
9:16:03 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
i was at the library nd i caught the bus home
9:16:10 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
half way through the trip
9:16:15 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
this guy taps my feet
9:16:23 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he sais "sorry about that"
9:16:32 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and i said "thats okay, dont worry bout it"
9:16:37 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he begins talking to me
9:16:45 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and his like where were you born?
9:16:53 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
9:16:53 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and i said i was born here, yourself?
9:17:20 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he said well i dont really get askd that much becasue i look aussie, but im german mate
9:17:25 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and i was like nice (Y)
9:17:40 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and i said "btw, would you happen to be religious?"
9:17:51 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
i noticed you have a cross earing on your right ear
9:18:01 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he said, yeh im a Christian
9:18:15 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and i said haha yeh me2, and i askd how long his been a Christian
9:18:21 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
he said his been one for 15years
9:18:37 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
i askd him to come to paradise church
9:18:54 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he said he goes to the one in paravista and that his pastor use to be someone from paradise
9:19:01 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and we began talking more about Christ
9:19:31 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and then i askd how he came to Christ
9:19:50 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he said a couple of years ago, him and his wives got divorced and they had a son
9:20:15 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and his son went to a kindy and the teacher kept saying "Peter, you should come to church"
9:20:20 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and i was like, wait, whats your name?
9:20:32 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he said Peter and i was like me2, and hi5'd lol
9:21:04 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and then he continued his story, he was like well my 5 year old son, went to youth with his friends and he kept telling me to go, so one day i went and i thoguht it was brilliant
9:21:20 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he mentioned that his son was asian and i was like wait is your wife asian?
9:21:26 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he was like yeh
9:21:42 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and i said, actualy i use to be buddhist, but it didnt make sense when i studied it so yeh
9:21:57 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he was like, yeh i use to be buddist aswell, i studied it in Tibet
9:22:05 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and i was like O_o whack
9:22:23 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and then we were talking about other religions compared to Christ
9:22:34 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
9:22:36 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and i said i use to have a cross earing aswell but i think my friend too kit
9:23:03 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and my stop was the next stop, and he gave me one of his cross earings cus he had 2, and i think its real gold O_ o
9:23:27 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he said, we'll probably never see each otehr again, but its been a pleasure to meet yu
9:23:39 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
it felt like i was talking to a part of myself O_ o
9:23:54 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
hey thats heaps cool xD
9:24:02 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
yeh the day b4 my bday aswell, whack day
9:24:14 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
you know
9:24:23 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
if i were talking to the you like 6 months ago
9:24:30 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
you'd be telling me how this is a sign for something
9:24:34 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
9:24:53 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
yeh but this is too whack for me to assume its something above lol
9:25:17 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
hahahaha cool xD
So retarded im reading it and i dont even know who is who talking, msn is gay lol ahwell, i'll upload a pic of it soon.
well anyway this is what happend.
well there you are xD
9:13:57 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
hello there
9:14:23 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
how was your day?
9:14:24 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
so howve you been?? you didnt say much in your msgs ;p
9:15:41 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
sick, tiredness, bordom, anger and whackness was my week, pretty crap apart from an amazing gift i got which was like from Christ id like to think lol
9:15:55 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
really whack day on Monday
9:16:03 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
i was at the library nd i caught the bus home
9:16:10 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
half way through the trip
9:16:15 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
this guy taps my feet
9:16:23 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he sais "sorry about that"
9:16:32 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and i said "thats okay, dont worry bout it"
9:16:37 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he begins talking to me
9:16:45 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and his like where were you born?
9:16:53 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
9:16:53 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and i said i was born here, yourself?
9:17:20 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he said well i dont really get askd that much becasue i look aussie, but im german mate
9:17:25 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and i was like nice (Y)
9:17:40 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and i said "btw, would you happen to be religious?"
9:17:51 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
i noticed you have a cross earing on your right ear
9:18:01 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he said, yeh im a Christian
9:18:15 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and i said haha yeh me2, and i askd how long his been a Christian
9:18:21 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
he said his been one for 15years
9:18:37 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
i askd him to come to paradise church
9:18:54 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he said he goes to the one in paravista and that his pastor use to be someone from paradise
9:19:01 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and we began talking more about Christ
9:19:31 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and then i askd how he came to Christ
9:19:50 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he said a couple of years ago, him and his wives got divorced and they had a son
9:20:15 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and his son went to a kindy and the teacher kept saying "Peter, you should come to church"
9:20:20 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and i was like, wait, whats your name?
9:20:32 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he said Peter and i was like me2, and hi5'd lol
9:21:04 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and then he continued his story, he was like well my 5 year old son, went to youth with his friends and he kept telling me to go, so one day i went and i thoguht it was brilliant
9:21:20 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he mentioned that his son was asian and i was like wait is your wife asian?
9:21:26 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he was like yeh
9:21:42 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and i said, actualy i use to be buddhist, but it didnt make sense when i studied it so yeh
9:21:57 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he was like, yeh i use to be buddist aswell, i studied it in Tibet
9:22:05 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and i was like O_o whack
9:22:23 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and then we were talking about other religions compared to Christ
9:22:34 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
9:22:36 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and i said i use to have a cross earing aswell but i think my friend too kit
9:23:03 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and my stop was the next stop, and he gave me one of his cross earings cus he had 2, and i think its real gold O_ o
9:23:27 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
and he said, we'll probably never see each otehr again, but its been a pleasure to meet yu
9:23:39 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
it felt like i was talking to a part of myself O_ o
9:23:54 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
hey thats heaps cool xD
9:24:02 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
yeh the day b4 my bday aswell, whack day
9:24:14 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
you know
9:24:23 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
if i were talking to the you like 6 months ago
9:24:30 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
you'd be telling me how this is a sign for something
9:24:34 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
9:24:53 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
yeh but this is too whack for me to assume its something above lol
9:25:17 PM
† (F)#3 - Peter (:
hahahaha cool xD
So retarded im reading it and i dont even know who is who talking, msn is gay lol ahwell, i'll upload a pic of it soon.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I cant believe i cried today. Sarah you're the first person to see me cry, i feel so little as a man now.
I cant believe i pmsed at the last second, man i wish i could just kill 1-3 people and not be judged.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Old Photoes.
Yeh, your not as innocent as you say you are. Evidence of alcohol consuption and smoking weed in the girls bathroom right behind you.
Found a whack picture of Cheryl getting high *-* lol
I look somewhat depressed? o.o
Last years whackness.
Well i couldnt find the USB cable for last years dodgy whack photoes, but only recently i discovered my laptop had a memories card insert thing here. so here are some whack photoes :D
Coming from the Peter and Sharons world peace thing. lol these are the people that hugged us. and that were willing to take a picture with us after.

This Chick actualy asked if i wanted to hug her lol

Was too afraid to hug this guy XD

Those two were idiots, they didnt wana take a pic with us, so i told sharon to go behind them :P

This guy had trouble understanding english, cudnt explain wat a hug was, he thought sharon was hitting on him lol

Some Adelaide uni student who recomended us to go to Barsmith to get more photoes.

Group hug.

This guy was pretty nice lol

These guys praised us that we were doing something good lol, i almost thought they were queer O_ o with all respect.

His partner in crime lol

Sharons friend.
Coming from the Peter and Sharons world peace thing. lol these are the people that hugged us. and that were willing to take a picture with us after.
This Chick actualy asked if i wanted to hug her lol
Was too afraid to hug this guy XD
Those two were idiots, they didnt wana take a pic with us, so i told sharon to go behind them :P
This guy had trouble understanding english, cudnt explain wat a hug was, he thought sharon was hitting on him lol
Some Adelaide uni student who recomended us to go to Barsmith to get more photoes.
Group hug.
This guy was pretty nice lol
These guys praised us that we were doing something good lol, i almost thought they were queer O_ o with all respect.
His partner in crime lol
Sharons friend.
This guy hesitated on us like 3 times lol
Luke from marietville didnt know who he was now i do lol
Me and Raf :D
Raf and Sharon
Sharon and vanta
Me and Adrian
Sharon and adrian
Another random.
Me and martin, he was in a rush, arguement with mary
Martin and Sharon, still in a rush, chasing after her.
This guy was quite hesitant aswell ==
This guy didnt want to at first, kept saying his gf was coming and was worried what she might think lol but we got him XD
Another random
Same guy
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