Monday, June 29, 2009

Is this better? *-*

Bloody cubicles... Melissa was right, cousin Sarah said to me today... to be honest, i think that girl in your display picture is ugly. She quotes, shes not hot nor cute, shes normal. So i went and found another picture, this girl is quite fine in my opinion, lets reel in the critics.

So, what do you think of her guys? Not bad right?


  1. she's only fine in your opinion because her head's tilted downwards(which is a universally flattering angle because her face looks thinner and any visible double chin is hidden) and you're too busy staring her panties.

  2. Alrite, genial said shes ugly, so does Sarah, i give up. there are literally no hot asians out there, and genial agrees lol

  3. and i posted a more revealing pic because i thoguht you guys may have judged the previous one because someone said her clothing was boring lol

  4. there are hot asians, you just happen to pick the not so hot ones. her panties are pretty.

  5. i still dont see why shes ugly.. sigh

  6. wats your thought elysia? besides the nudity

  7. she's not ugly :|
    she's pretty
