To begin my day, i went to uni SA city west to obtain my daily advertiser. I then happen to bump into Daniel Tsang, and Jonathan Kilvert, which i havnt seen all semester, we had a short converse about whats happened, whose dating and stuff, his in a new relationship with a cute girl, shes asian. It was great bumping into him, well i didnt, i was on my way out of the library to the state, and i managed to catch his eye. I also bumped into KT and Danial Quan, which i havnt seen in a long time, we exchanged converse until i had to go print my marketing notes.
I then proceeded to the State library, studying for a maximum of 4-5 hours, finnishing 3 chapters and 3 lecture notes. It was a productive day. While at the state library, i saw Raymond, Eric, Sam, Vye, Trung, Joseoph, Martin, Arnold, SK, Annie, Mai, it was nice seeing everyone studying for uni. The way i scheduled my day was, for every hour of study i get done, i get a 10minute break. It was effective. I then proceeded to Barsmith library, in which i bumped into Adrian, i've seen him like twice this year, we then chat for a while, until i see Linda, shes like my life coach, or was. We procrastinate for about an hour standing in the middle of the pathway, then Raf comes into the library, and i see Jonny Lo, Simon Chiu. It was really so great seeing Linda, ive bumped into her 3 times this year, shes on her final year of Uni, and her sister has graduated from Architecture, apparently she was one of the top students and has still not found a job.
We conversed past an hour and then Adrian demands we have dinner, i come to realise i havnt ate all day. So we go to see if Raf would like to join us. He was too busy playing super smash bro's on the laptop. So me and Adrian went ahead, at Wokinabox, we bump into Simon Foo, i've seen that guy like 4 times this year. Im suddenly bumping into old friends. Its hilarious how when exams are near, old faces draw near. Today was indeed very eventful, loving, blessed, and interesting.
I did intend to go badminton, but that didnt happen, i was too indulged in catching up with people. Todays weather was fantastic, when i woke, i knew today was blessed, as is everyday, but i felt today would be somewhat, more blessed. Tommorow will be just as interesting i hope. Amen!

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